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Relate is a tiny client-side relational datastore. It’s useful for web applications with static relational data, allowing you to import JSON data, create collections of objects, define relations between them, and easily traverse the relationship graph from your application code. Relate is lightweight, dependency-free and framework-agnostic, easily compatible with applications built with Angular, React and more.

Note that while objects and their relationships can be modified, Relate works best with a predefined dataset that doesn’t change during an application’s runtime. If your application involves changing data, consider a more robust relational framework such as Backbone paired with Backbone-relational.


None! :tada:


Install manually: just copy dist/relate.min.js wherever you’d like.

Install using Bower:

bower install --save relate

Load in a browser:

<script src="relate.min.js"></script>

Load using Node.js

var Relate = require('Relate');

Load using AMD:

require(['Relate'], function (Relate) {
  // ...
